Friday, September 24, 2010

MJ's Sermon

September 12th, 2010
MJ: Well, your mind is where God’s spirit dwells, the Holy Spirit (your conscious)… and the heart/your feelings are of your flesh. So, you’re supposed to trust your mind more than your heart.
Late night G-Chat conversations prove to be the healthiest and most enriching in college. Since you’re on this crack schedule that does not permit sleeping at “normal-people” times of the night, your mind is more capable of being distracted from boring homework and brought into deep reflection. Last night was one of those nights, as the theme of this September 12th conversation contains life-long relevancy.
My entire junior year can be summed-up into one noun: feelings. When you’re enamored in any given person or situation, a bubble is created which does not provide any room for negative or meaningful thinking to penetrate. The only thing that matters is the actions inside of that bubble. However… if you’ve ever played with a bottle of bubbles during your childhood, you do realize that all bubbles formed eventually burst. And… we’re suddenly bombarded by the real world. We’re caught in a conflict between heart and mind. Which do you follow?
The never-ending drama and changes throughout that year brought me to a serious breaking point. I am very much so a Christian and believer in Christ as my Savior, but being at my lowest definitely made me work on my relationship with Him. Through that relationship, many of the decisions I’ve made became clear before my eyes.
We’ve all had feelings for someone so strong that all you want for them is pure happiness. And… you go out of your way to ensure that person’s happiness, sometimes, even before your own. However, your mind (under Christ’s influence) makes you question some of the things your heart is willing to do for them. Many see it as over-thinking the situation, yet some see it as a warning for the things your heart refuses to see.

Tip toe outside of your bubble for 5 minutes
Again, which do you follow?

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